The webapp maintains a list of platforms.
digraph G { rankdir=LR; splines=lines; subgraph webapp { rank=same; topcrashers [shape=tab, label="topcrashers report"]; supersearch [shape=tab, label="supersearch"]; } adminpage [shape=tab, label="admin"]; model [shape=box3d, label="crashstats_platform"]; adminpage -> model [label="produces"]; model -> topcrashers [label="uses"]; model -> supersearch [label="uses"]; }Tables¶
The data is stored in the crashstats.Platform
Django model. This is the
table in PostgreSQL.
Where the data comes from¶
Data is added by data migrations. In the local development environment, there’s a fixture.
What uses this data¶
Pages in the webapp that use this data:
topcrashers report