Bug associations


Bugs in Bugzilla can store which Socorro crash signatures are relevant to that bug. Socorro keeps a cache of that data to show in various webapp views.

digraph G { rankdir=LR; splines=lines; subgraph webapp { rank=same; bugsapi [shape=rect, label="Bugs API"]; signaturesbybugsapi [shape=rect, label="SignaturesByBugs API"]; reportview [shape=tab, label="report view"]; topcrashersreport [shape=tab, label="topcrashers report"]; signaturereport [shape=tab, label="signature report"]; exploitabilityreport [shape=tab, label="exploitability report"]; } bugzilla [shape=rect, label="bugassociations"]; model [shape=box3d, label="crashstats_bugassociation"]; bugzilla -> model [label="produces"]; model -> bugsapi [label="used by"]; model -> signaturesbybugsapi [label="used by"]; model -> reportview [label="used by"]; model -> topcrashersreport [label="used by"]; model -> signaturereport [label="used by"]; model -> exploitabilityreport [label="used by"]; }


The data is stored in the crashstats.BugAssociation Django model and stored in the crashstats_bugassociation PostgreSQL table.

Where the data comes from

The bugassociations Django command looks at all the bugs in Bugzilla that have been created or had their cf_crash_signature field updated for some period of time. It updates the bug_associations table with any new associations and any associations that were removed.

What uses the data

Pages in the webapp that use this data:

  • Bugs API endpoint (shows bugs and related bugs)

  • SignaturesByBugs API endpoint

  • report view

  • topcrashers report

  • signature report

  • exploitability report