Specification: Submitting crash reports


The Breakpad library includes an HTTP upload tool. However, Mozilla doesn’t use that tool for its products. Instead, we have our own set of crash reporting clients.

This specification covers the HTTP POST request and response for submitting crash reports to the Socorro collector.



  • 2020-01-15: Initial writing

  • 2020-01-17: Add specifying annotations as a single JSON-encoded value.

  • 2021-05-26: Add notes about where we stray from the Breakpad crash reporting client.

  • 2021-12-20: Generalize to cover HTTP POST request and response for the Socorro collector.

Crash reporter client submission request

Request method

Crash reports are submitted by HTTP POST to the Socorro collector crash submission URL.

Request headers

The HTTP POST request must include the following headers:


The content type header of the crash report must be either multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed and it must specify the multipart boundary.


The content length of the crash report must be set. The value is the length of the body.

The HTTP POST request can include the following headers:

User-Agent (optional)

A user agent string which includes the product name, version, and “crash reporter”.


Including a user agent makes it easier for us to help you debug crash reporter issues.

Content-Encoding (optional)

If the HTTP body is gzipped, then the Content-Encoding must be set to gzip.

Generally, it’s good to compress bodies since it reduces the size of the body, reduces the time it takes to upload, and also increases the size of the crash reports you can send.

Request body

The HTTP POST payload contains the crash report which is comprised of crash annotations and minidumps.


If the Content-Encoding header is set to gzip, the body must be gzipped.

Crash annotations

The body consists of a sequence of multipart fields. Each field is either an annotation or a binary like a minidump.

See also

RFC for multipart/form-data and multipart/mixed:


Crash annotations can be provided in one of two ways:

  1. annotations as individual key/value pairs, OR

  2. annotations as a single JSON-encoded value


You can provide crash annotations as EITHER key/value pairs, OR a JSON-encoded value for all annotations.

If your crash report includes both, it will be rejected with HTTP 400 and:


Annotations as key/value pairs in form-data

  1. The Content-Disposition must be form-data.

  2. The Content-Disposition must specify a name. This is the annotation name. The value must consist of ASCII characters.

  3. The value of this field is the annotation value. It is always a string.


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="DOMFissionEnabled"


Annotations as single JSON-encoded value

  1. The Content-Disposition must be form-data.

  2. The Content-Disposition must specify a name. The value should be extra.

  3. The Content-Type must be application/json.

  4. The value of this field must a JSON-encoded object of all of the crash report annotations.

    All annotation keys and values must be strings.

    If the annotation value is an object, it must be JSON-encoded. Because the annotation value is JSON-encoded object and it is itself in a JSON-encoded object, quotes must be escaped in the final field value.

  5. There must be only one “extra” field in the payload.


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="extra"
Content-Type: application/json


New in version 2020-01-17: This was added in bug 1420363. That work landed in December 2019 and is in Firefox 73.

Minidumps and other binary data

  1. The Content-Disposition must be form-data.

  2. The Content-Disposition must specify a name. The name must consist of ASCII characters.

    Examples of names:

    • memory_report

    • upload_file_minidump

    • upload_file_minidump_browser

    • upload_file_minidump_content

  3. The Content-Disposition may specify a filename.

    Examples of filenames:

    • 6da3499e-f6ae-22d6-1e1fdac8-16464a16.dmp

  4. For minidumps, the Content-Type must be application/octet-stream.

    For memory reports, the Content-Type must be application/gzip.

  5. The value of this field is binary data.


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload-file-minidump"; filename="6da3499e-f6ae-22d6-1e1fdac8-16464a16.dmp"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream



The Socorro processor treats the file with the name upload_file_minidump as the minidump of the crashing process. It extracts information from it and that’s what shows up on Crash Stats.

If you’re writing your own crash reporter client, you should make sure to set the name for the minidump of the crashing process as upload_file_minidump.

Collector response

The collector throttles crash reports and returns a response to the crash reporter client in the HTTP response.

HTTP 200

Crash report submission was successful.


If the crash report is accepted by the collector, then the collector must return an HTTP status code of 200 with a body specifying the crash id:

"CrashID" "=" CRASHID

For example:



It’s possible for a crash report to be accepted by the collector, but be malformed in some way. For example, if one of the annotation values was null. The processor has rules that will fix these issues and add processor notes for what it fixed.


If the crash report is rejected by the collector, then the collector must return an HTTP status code of 200 with a body specifying the rejection rule:

"Discarded" "=" RULE

For example:


Rejection rules are specified in the collector’s throttler. They change periodically.

Some rejection rules are hard-rejections and the collector will never accept the crash report.

Some rejection rules are soft-rejections from sampling and the collector may accept that crash report again in the future.

The crash reporter client may submit the crash report again.

HTTP 400

If the crash report is malformed, then the collector must return an HTTP status code of 400 with a body specifying the malformed reason:

"Discarded" "=" REASON

For example:


Non-exhaustive list of reasons the crash report could be malformed:


The crash report HTTP POST has no content type in the HTTP headers.


The crash report HTTP POST content type header exists, bug it’s not set to multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed.


The content type doesn’t include a boundary value, so it can’t be parsed as multipart.


The Content-Encoding header is set to gzip, but the body isn’t in gzip format or there’s a parsing error.


The payload included a part named extra, but the value wasn’t valid JSON.


The payload included a part named extra, but the value wasn’t an object–it was some other type (str, int, …)


The payload included a text/plain part which had a value that wasn’t utf-8.


The crash report encodes annotations as form-data fields as well as in an extra JSON-encoded object. It should have either one or the other–not both.


The crash report has been parsed, but there were no annotations in it.


The payload was malformed in some way: missing EOL sequences between parts, missing part boundaries, malformed boundary, malformed end sequence, etc.

The crash reporter client shouldn’t try to send a malformed crash report again.

HTTP 413

The HTTP POST body is too large and exceeds the maximum body size.

The crash reporter client shouldn’t try to send this crash report again.

HTTP 500

This is an internal server error.

It’s possible this is a bug in the collector. If so, an error report gets sent and maintainers will see it.

It’s possible this problem is ephemeral and will go away after some time.

The crash reporter client may sleep for a bit and retry sending the crash report.

HTTP 502

Bad gateway.

It’s possible this problem is ephemeral and will go away after some time. It’s possible that this is a bug in the crash reporting client.

The crash reporter client may sleep for a bit and retry sending the crash report.

HTTP 503

Service unavailable.

It’s possible this problem is ephemeral and will go away after some time.

The crash reporter client may sleep for a bit and retry sending the crash report.

Example of crash report HTTP POST

Example with HTTP headers and body:

POST /submit HTTP/1.1
Host: xyz.example.com
User-Agent: Breakpad/1.0 (Linux)
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 1021
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------c4ae5238f12b6c82

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Add-ons"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="DOMFissionEnabled"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="BuildID"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload_file_minidump"; filename="6da3499e-f6ae-22d6-1e1fdac8-16464a16.dmp"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream


Example with HTTP headers and body using JSON-encoded value for annotations:

POST /submit HTTP/1.1
Host: xyz.example.com
User-Agent: Breakpad/1.0 (Linux)
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 659
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------c4ae5238f12b6c82

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="extra"
Content-Type: application/json

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload_file_minidump"; filename="6da3499e-f6ae-22d6-1e1fdac8-16464a16.dmp"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream


Differences from Breakpad upload tool

The Breakpad library comes with an upload tool. That tool lets you upload crash annotations and dumps as an HTTP POST to a collector.

It does not support the following things in this specification:

  1. returning crash id on successful submission

  2. returning rejection code on rejected crash report

  3. crash annotations as a single JSON-encoded value

How to debug problems with submitting crash reports

We all hang out in #crashreporting matrix channel.

Here are some notes for issues you might be having:

I’m getting back an HTTP 404

The URL you’re using is wrong. Verify the url. If that doesn’t work, reach out to us.

I’m getting back an HTTP 413

The crash report request body is too large. If you aren’t compressing it with gzip, try that. If you are, then reach out to us but you’re probably going to need to remove something from the crash report to reduce the size.

I’m getting back a rejection

Check the response body for the rejection code and look it up in the throttling rules:


If that doesn’t help, reach out to us.

I’m getting back an HTTP 500

Reach out to us because something is wrong with our server.

The crash report submitted, but there’s very little data on Crash Stats

Verify that the name (not the filename) is set to “upload_file_minidump”. The Socorro processor treats that specific minidump as the one for the crashed process and does additional processing for it.

You can see a list of all the dumps that were sent in the Debug tab of the report view on Crash Stats.

Verify that you’re sending all the crash annotations you’re intending to send.

You can see a list of all the dump names and crash annotations in the crash_report_keys field of the processed crash.

If this is a new crash annotation or one that’s not explicitly marked as public, the crash annotation will be treated as protected data. If you don’t have access to protected data, you will not be able to see it on Crash Stats.

See our protected data access policy:


None of these are helping me

Ask yourself these questions and see if they help you at all:

  1. When the crash reporter client submits the crash report to Socorro, what is the status code that it gets back? What is the HTTP response body?

  2. If you successfully submit a crash report, search for the crash id on Crash Stats. Are there processor notes indicating problems?

If nothing here helps please reach out to us in the #crashreporting matrix channel.